Frequently Asked Questions

If you do not find a satisfiying answer below, please contact us through the Contact Form.

What does it mean a 1:1 replacement/substitute?

Our multipurpose mix is the only all-purpose gluten free mix which replaces regular flour in all recipes (besides breads recipes)– same amount of flour, water, baking time and temp. The end result is also 1:1- Same texture and taste.

Why is it healthy?

Enriched with nutritional fibers and protein
Doesn't contain any stabilizers
Lactose and all allergens free
Low fat
Doesn't contain sugar or salt, origin of NA is mainly from nutritional fibers
Doesn't contain any artificial ingredients
Low glycemic values
Iron, Calcium and capsulated Vitamin C can be added to the flours, according to the clients' needs or wishes.

Can I substitute the flour in every recipe I have?

Yes, our multipurpose mix can substitute regular flour in any regular recipe that is not a bread recipe. That is the purpose of the mix – To allow you the freedom of all purpose flour, but gluten free. It works in any recipe you will try.

Assaf Jaffe

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